A1. Deadlift - 5 reps x 3 sets , no %, just based off feel, not building sets all 3 sets at one working weight
A2. DBU practice- 1 minute amrap x 3 sets
20 minute amrap partner wod
100 meter run
3 no push up burped box step ups 24/20"
3 db snatch alternating 40/20
100 meter run
6 no push up burped box step ups 24/20"
6 db snatch alternating 40/20
100 meter run
9 no push up burped box step ups 24/20"
9 db snatch alternating 40/20
Partner A does round of 100 m run and 3 reps each movement then Partner B does 100 m run and 3 of each movement- then team advances to next round increasing reps each round
A1. Deadlift 5 tng reps x 3 sets @75-80%
A2. DBU skill work - 2 attempts max effort UB x 3 sets
20 minute amrap partner wod
100 meter run
3 no push up burped box jump 24/20"
3 db snatch alternating 50/30#
100 meter run
6 no push up burped box jump 24/20"
6 db snatch alternating 50/30
100 meter run
9 no push up burped box jump 24/20"
9 db snatch alternating 50/30
Partner A does round of 100 m run and 3 reps each movement then Partner B does 100 m run and 3 of each movement- then team advances to next round increasing reps each round