Monday, January 4, 2016

Tuesday 1/5

A1. Bench press 5 reps X 4 sets 
A2. Tuck hold 35 sec. Hold X 4 sets 
B. Elevated ring rows accumulate 25 reps each with a 2 sec pause at the top 

13 minute amrap
14 KB front rack walking lunges (35/26)
26 medball sit ups 
38 Dbu or 100 singles

A1. Bench press 5 reps X 4 sets 
A2. Hollow body hold 45 sec X 4 sets 
B. Strict pull ups - accumulate 25-30 reps for men and 20-25 reps reps for women- all based off perfect form and full range of motion 

13 minute amrap 
14 KB front rack walking lunges (53/35)
26 v-ups 
38 Dbu 

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