Sunday, October 19, 2014

Monday 10.20

We need to finalize any teams going to the CrossFit Danbury Scream and Clean this weekend! Let me know ASAP!

A1. Back Squat x 1 x 5 sets building from 80%
Rest 10 sec
A2. Broad jump - 2 attempts @ max distance x 5 sets
Rest 60 sec


For time -
100 lateral bar hops
21 front squats (95/65)
21 push press (95/65)
75 lateral bar hops
15 front squats
15 push press
50 lateral bar hops
9 front squats 
9 push press

A1. Back Squat x 1 w/ 23x1 tempo + 1 @ full speed @ 85- 90% x 5 sets
Rest 10 sec. 
A2. Broad jump - 2 attempts @ max distance x 5 sets
Rest 60 sec


For time
100 double unders
21 front squats (115/75)
21 push press
75 double unders 
15 front squats
15 push press
50 double unders
9 front squats 
9 push press

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