We’ve been having a VERY busy summer here at CFRZ!
We absolutely love watching everyone come in and put in some hard work and enjoy themselves with friends. With that being said, our intention is not to prioritize the classes over personal programming or vice versa. We know you are all here to be the best you you can possibly be, so, the following note is for ALL clients:
When a class is in session, please be courteous and try to hold off on dropping bars and being excessively loud when the coach is explaining the WOD at the whiteboard. At all other times: LIFT ALL THE WEIGHTS AND DROP ALL THE BARS (except empty bars, don’t do that, that’s just rude).
Try not to hoard any plates and in an especially large class/ busy time, please consider sharing plates/ bars/ racks with someone doing similar work. We have some STRONG athletes at CFRZ so plates can be hard to come by. Remember: Sharing is caring!
Lastly, PUT AWAY ALL EQUIPMENT. That includes: boxes, benches and plates. If someone starts using a piece of equipment before you get a chance to put it away, it is now THEIR responsibility to put it away. Don’t leave something out assuming someone else will use it, if you’d like to pass it along to someone in the next class, that’s fine, but make sure they know! This is YOUR equipment, treat it with respect and take care of it!
Fitness -
0 - 2 min: 3 Hang Squat Cleans @ 65%
3 - 5 min: 2 Hang Squat Cleans @ 70%
6 - 8 min: 1 Hang Squat Clean @ 75%
3 Rounds
30 lateral bar hops
20 knees to elbows
10 hang clean and jerks (95/65)
Performance -
0 - 2 min: 3 TnG Squat Cleans @ 70%
3 - 5 min: 2 TnG Squat Cleans @ 75%
6 - 8 min: 1 TnG Squat Clean @ 80%
3 Rounds
50 Double Unders
20 TTB
10 Clean and Jerks (115/75)
A. TGU x 20 reps alt. arms
B1. Med ball push ups x 20 x 3 sets
B2. Goblet Squats x 12 x 3 sets
B3. Single leg KB deadlift x 10 each leg x 3 sets
EMOM till failure
Ascending ladder - Burpees (starting at 3 go up 1 rep every min)
Rest 3 min
EMOM till failure
Ascending ladder - wall balls
(Starting at 5, go up 1 rep every min)